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2016 Annual Meeting Recorded Session 303: Tobacco Cessation Management - Effective Strategies
This course will review of selected topics in tobacco control and science. Topics will include: USA epidemiology of cigarette smoking, safety of e-cigarettes, tobacco related diseases, impact of second hand smoke, tobacco smoke effects on CVD pathophysiology, nicotine addiction and level of dependence. The presenters will also provide an update on recent trials on tobacco science research will focus on the efficacy of first line cessation medications associated with best practices and identifying effective behavior change strategies.
Credit Information
Please note, if you attended this session at the 2016 Annual Meeting in New Orleans and claimed CE for the live session, you cannot also get CE for the recorded session.
This course will review of selected topics in tobacco control and science. Topics will include: USA epidemiology of cigarette smoking, safety of e-cigarettes, tobacco related diseases, impact of second hand smoke, tobacco smoke effects on CVD pathophysiology, nicotine addiction and level of dependence. The presenters will also provide an update on recent trials on tobacco science research will focus on the efficacy of first line cessation medications associated with best practices and identifying effective behavior change strategies.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the USA epidemiology of cigarette smoking, elements of a cigarette, safety of e-cigarette. tobacco related diseases, and impact of second hand smoke.
- Review tobacco smoke effects on CVD pathophysiology.
- Explain nicotine addiction and level of dependence.
- Explore updates in tobacco science research- efficacy of first line cessation medications associated with best practices.
- Identify effective behavior change strategies.
- Analyze a case report.
Viewing window: 60 days from date of purchase
CE Credit: 1.0 AACVPR